Friday 31 October 2014

Shot list.

1. impact sound 
2. slow zoom in on door
3. impact sound 
4. words appear on screen “something wasn’t right”
5. cuts back to slow zoom on door
6. impact sound 
7. words on screen “some things never change"
8. slow zoom in on door 
9. three knocks on the door 
10. “dad i think i did something”
11. “you said you were going to stop this”
12. “i’m sorry"
13. door begins to open 
14. zoom in on light that comes from the door
15. impact sound 
16. screen goes black 
17. words on screen 
18. they though they left it was in the past  
19. sound of door queeking 
20. but you can’t run from the present 
21. *THE ROOM* 

22. *Coming soon*

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