Thursday 30 April 2015

How affective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

When marketing any product it is important to keep a sense of continuity throughout the campaign. Visuals are a huge part of what makes the consume want to see a film, what they see on the posters and trailers  can make even more of an impact than the narrative itself. Using the same techniques throughout the campaign keeps reminding people that may see the film what the film is saying and what genre it comes from.

To ensure that I had a unified campaign I kept many elements the same throughout, such as the font. Font is crucial when indicating genre so it is important to make sure that it is a big part of the marketing campaign. While doing my research into different fonts that are often used for different genres I found that, more often than not, fonts that have an old fashioned feel to them were used for films from the horror genre. The font I decided to use 'Trajan Bold' as it not only had the old fashioned look that I wanted, it also looked bold enough to be the main focus of a film marketing campaign. I used this font on my poster and for all the text and taglines used in my trailer.

Despite using the same font for my poster and trailer, I didn't use it when designing my magazine cover as each magazine has it's own style independent from that of the film. Magazine companies often have a neutral font so that they don't only appeal to one type of person. Production companies can often request which image they want the magazine to use, but its is much harder to get them to change the font. Some bug budget films that create a lot of hype can sometimes be given special edition covers by mainstream magazines.

I wanted to make the taglines in the trailer feel very personal to the audience and also give them a sense of knowing something that the people involved in the narrative don't. 'The stories of their past' makes the audience interested in what the narrative if the story is. Just as with the font there is no tagline on the magazine cover as it is it's own independent publication.

When it came to choosing images for my campaign I chose different ones for the magazine cover and the poster. The image on the poster is an image that links to the films narrative whereas the image seen on the magazine cover is of the director of the film. In other types of publications it would be of an actor that appears in the film.

Billing stays the same throughout the marketing campaign , though different font is used on the poster and in the trailer.

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