Friday 1 May 2015

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

When marketing a film it is important to take into account what he potential audience respond best to. I lead a number of focus groups to find out what conventions people are used to seeing on film posters and magazine covers.

The questions I asked about my poster were:

1) Is the poster design eye catching?

2) Is the film genre obvious just by looking at there poster?

3) Does it have the conventions of a real poster?

4) Does the poster look like it could be a poster adversing a real film?

When I took audience feedback after I made the poster one of the main things that people were drawn to was the colour scheme. Noting that it is very similar to that of a real film poster. Another being the font and how it catches the audiences attention. 

The questions I asked about my magazine cover were: 

1) Does it feel like an independent film magazine?

2) Is the design eye catching?

3) Does the main article promote the film well?

While searching into film publications one thing I found was that independent magazine often didn't have actors on the front but had directors instead. The people I asked understood that different publications are targeted to different audiences and that the audience of my publication would prefer to hear forma director.